Biggy 237: Rannibel Kizzeey and 2 others evicted!

For this new week of evictions, 9 contestants were nominated to leave the Biggy 237 mansion this night: Cindy, Branch, Zita, Claire, Victor, Rannibel, Hexy, Nerisa. So, at the end of the eviction’s show tonight, 2 female contestants Rannibel Kizzeey, Gaga Wayne have been evicted and one male Hexy Val. They were respectively Contestant n° 5, 28 and 22.

1°) Rannibel Kizzeey

She’s an esthetician, commercial model, Actor and Vixen. She’s also a brand ambassador for Cameroon Film Industry. For Week 3 of evictions, she was 2nd top rated housemate, but this night she was third to the last. Big fan of Jovi, her strategy was to get the Mboko Gang’s members involved to her cause and gain their support. She actually gains help from Mboko Gang’s brand ambassador and top figure La Mirage’s, who was campaigning for her, but it seems as if that support wasn’t enough She even promised to dash 40% of her money to Mboko Gang’s charity actions if she won.

2°) GaGa Wayne
She studied at PCHS Mankon in North-West region where she’s from. Two weeks ago she has successfully managed her task which was to set confusion between contestants, till she even had a quite funny fight with MC Dibenja. With Rannibel, they were one of the most active Contestants in the mansion
3°) Hexy Val

Based in Molyko (Buea), he’s an actor and model. He was also up for eviction last week. Biggy suspected him to be having sex with Gaga Wayne in the Bathroom.

4°) Ndukong Joel Asonyu (Re-voted)

He’s an actor, Comedian, market developer. Biggy 237’s organisers have given him a chance to come back in the game. He was up for revote alongside Carine, Dopex Collins, Kitchen.
Many activities and hot live sessions have spiced up the game this week: the Make-up challenge with a winning envelope of 100.000frs, the urgent chamber of evictions after Biggy suspected something happened between two housemates in the bathroom (GaGa and Hexy Val), this reminds us what the evicted and revoted and re-evicted housemate Melinda said about Biggy 237 that some housemates always have sex in the bathroom; a talk on acting and debates. Santa Lucia has also joined the Biggy’s team as a sponsor, we guess they’ll supply food in the mansion and remedy to another Critic made by Melinda when she said “There’s no food, no drink in Biggy 237 house”. It has also been announced that Biggy contestants will be hosted by the famous TV shows host TCHOP TCHOP on Jambo.
This is how fans voted this week ?
Nerisa is clearly the “Grand favory” of this game.