Three Children and A Teacher Killed In Ekondo-Titi school Attack

Unidentified gunmen have attacked Government Bilingual High School Ekondo-Titi. Ekondo Titi is a suburban town and capital of the Ekondo Titi Sub Division. It is located in Ndian Division of the South West region of the Republic of Cameroon.
Cameroon’s violence-hit Ekondo-Titi, killing three students and one teacher, according news updates. The three students were: Emmanuel Orume 12, Joyceline Ikem 16, and Kum Emmanuel 17 years and a French teacher by name Ms. Celestina Song were killed. It has also been confirmed that, several others were injured after the attack in GBHS Ekondo Titi. Explosive devices were also used in the attack by the unidentified gunmen in the early hours of the day.
Some eyewitness reports say bullet from the hooligans killed the two male students and a female student on the spot. Whereas the French teacher was shot in the classroom.
The Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa says in a statementt, “CHRDA stronger condemns this attack on school children and teachers.” Also, CHRDA is calling for the government to take measures to “impartially and effectively investigate the incident”.
Children leaving school and never returning home is becoming a normal phenomenon in the English Speaking region of Cameroon. Last month it was Buea, some weeks ago Bamenda and today Ekondo-Titi. The worst thing is for a parent to bury a child. I can only imagine that level of pain.
May their Soul Rest in Peace.