Legendary Rapper Valsero continues voicing out his views on the Anglophone crises. He has spoken against the Government of Cameroon. In his latest release, the rapper sympathizes and writes an open letter to his Anglophone Brothers.
The rapper who is highly known for couragiously condemning President Paul Biya and his government, recently openly denounced the ill-treatment and the wrongfull accusations brought against Consortium Leaders and The Anglophone People by the government.
In His Letter He Writes:-
My anglophone brothers and sisters.
“As a francophone, I and thousands of other francophones who think like me want to offer you my sincere apologies. I know we are not expressive enough, but many hearts, souls of francophone spirits are suffering with you and even as much as you do. This silence could be tantamount to cowardice or mute acceptance of the situation. But no. It is rather shameful,”
At this moment when you feel alone and abandoned by your families, your fellow citizens and your leaders, I want you to know that I fully share your pain. I deeply feel each of your sufferings. We’re a family, a people, a country. When a member of the family, a part of the people or the country suffers, it is the whole family and the whole country that is suffering.
I feel and share your frustration. I can feel your tears rolling down my cheek and your cries of pain and suffering in my throat. Like all of us, you have work and participated to the greatness of our country at all.
Your sweat and blood have helped to build the concrete foundation of our independence and national unity.
You have made your mark on each of our victories and have held each of our sorrows and defeats. That is why it is unacceptable and inconceivable for me that you are labeled a terrorist-separatist and threat as such in the manifestation it was noisy of one of our demands … Yes brother it is our demands too.
I do not accept that you are labeled as an anti-patriot. If patriotism means:
So I’m the first terrorist.
We are patriotic, this country belongs to us all. Now who is the good patriot? Those who want better governance or those who will embezzle the state coffers and will encourage tribalism and discrimination.
My anglophone brother … I know you are suffering, for I am suffering with you. But let us not remain prisoners of the chains of colonization, this heavy colonial heritage prevents us from thinking and fostering together with our peculiarities and differences the society that suits us all, which takes all of us and guarantees the principles of unity, Social development, and global development.
Please, brothers and sisters, let us not be rigid, intolerant, intransigent, and fixed on our decisions. Let us always be quick to change the debate. That is a debate.
To those who direct us,
it is not valorous for a state to treat its fellow citizens as wild beasts. It does not help a state to dehumanize its population, whatever the situation may be.
Just as it is unacceptable and unforgivable that fellow citizens are trampled on and defile the values, emblems, bases and foundations of a state, its country, its homeland. Let us eradicate the radical dormant in each of us. Extirpate from our minds the poison of hatred.
My anglophone brother.
As a francophone, I want to offer you my sincere apologies and those of the thousands of other francophones who think like me. I know we are not expressive enough, but many hearts, souls and francophone spirits are suffering with you and even as much as you do. This silence could be tantamount to cowardice or a mute acceptance of the situation. But no.
It is rather shame.
As a francophone, I am ashamed of my silence, my discriminatory attitude, my intolerance. I am ashamed of all these festivals, of all these beers, of the internet that I use, to see my children go to school, to the High school, to the university freely. While a few miles away, Cameroonians, brothers and sisters, members of my family are suffering, are bunkerized, quarantined and trapped in a militarized security trucks and prisons.
Yes, I am ashamed that radicalism, intolerance and xenophobia have become the fuel that drives us. It is customary to say that dirty linen is washed as a family. Let us stay with family and in a family spirit let us wash this linen without shame and without complex. We all share a responsibility in the current situation.
Let us ask ourselves. Question our actions, let us listen, exchange in a family and friendly. If not, let’s create that framework and let’s all say.
Because dirty linen is washed as a family
Mon frère anglophone.
En ce moment où tu te sens seul et abandonné par ta famille, tes concitoyens et tes dirigeants, je tenais à ce dont tu saches que je partage entièrement ta douleur. Je ressens profondément chacune de tes souffrances. Nous sommes une famille, un peuple, un pays. Lorsqu’un membre de la famille, une partie du peuple ou du pays souffrent, c’est toute la famille, tout le peuple, et tout le pays qui souffre.
Je ressens et partage ta frustration. Je peux ressentir la tiédeur de tes larmes le long de ma joue et tes cris de douleur et souffrance endolorissent ma gorge. Comme chacun d’entre nous, tu travailles et participes à la grandeur de notre pays à tous.
Ta sueur et ton sang ont contribué à fabriquer le béton qui constitue le socle de notre indépendance et de notre unité nationale.
Tu as marqué de ton empreinte chacune de nos victoires et tu as fait tienne chacune de nos douleurs et chacune de nos défaites. Voilà pourquoi, il m’est inacceptable et inconcevable que tu sois taxé de terroriste –intégriste et traiter comme tel dans la manifestation fut-elle bruyante d’une de nos revendications….Oui frère ce sont nos revendications a tous.
Je n’accepte pas que tu sois qualifié d’anti-patriote. Si faire preuve de patriotisme veut dire :
Fermer sa gueule, être toujours d’accord et d’avis, ne jamais se plaindre, ne jamais critiquer, ne jamais s’opposer, ne jamais proposer, ne jamais donner son avis, ne jamais se lever, ne jamais pleurer et ne jamais hurler sa colère et sa frustration…
Alors je suis le premier terroriste.
Nous sommes tous patriotes, car ce pays, cette patrie, nous appartient à tous. Maintenant c’est qui le bon patriote ? Celui qui revendique une meilleure gouvernance ou celui qui impunément vandalise les caisses de l’État quitte à mettre à mal la cohésion sociale.
Mon frère anglophone… Je sais que tu souffres, car je souffre avec toi. Mais, ne restons pas prisonniers des chaines de la colonisation , ce lourd héritage colonial nous empêche d’imaginer tous ensemble avec nos particularités et nos différences la société qui nous convient à tous, qui nous prend tous en compte et qui garantit les principes de cohésion sociale et de développement global.
De grâce frères et sœurs, ne soyons pas rigides, intolérants, intransigeantes, et fixes sur nos décisions. Soyons toujours prompts à faire évoluer le débat. Car il s’agit bien d’un débat.
À ceux qui nous dirigent,
Il n’est pas valeureux pour un État de traiter ses concitoyens comme des bêtes sauvages. Ça ne grandit pas un État de déshumaniser sa population, quelle que soit la situation qui se présente.
Tout comme il est inacceptable et impardonnable que des concitoyens foulent aux pieds et souillent les valeurs, les emblèmes, les bases et les fondements d’un État, de son pays, de sa patrie. Éradiquons le radical qui sommeille en chacun d’entre nous. Extirpons de nos esprits le poison de la haine.
Mon frère anglophone.
En tant que francophone je tenais à te présenter mes sincères excuses et ceux des milliers d’autres francophones qui pensent comme moi. Je sais que nous ne sommes pas assez expressifs, mais beaucoup de cœurs, d’âmes et d’esprits francophones souffrent avec vous et même autant que vous. Ce silence pourrait s’apparenter a de la lâcheté ou a une muette acceptation de la situation. Mais non.
C’est plutôt de la honte.
En tant que francophone j’ai honte de mon silence, de mon attitude discriminatoire, de mon intolérance. J’ai honte de toutes ces fêtes, de toutes ces bières, de cet internet que j’utilise, de voir mes enfants aller à l’école, au lycée, à l’université librement. Pendant qu’a quelques kilomètres, des Camerounais, des frères et des sœurs, des membres de ma famille souffrent, sont bunkerisés, mis en quarantaine et piégés par un cordon de sécurité militariser.
Oui j’ai honte que le radicalisme, l’intolérance, la xénophobie soient devenus le carburant qui nous anime. On a coutume de dire que le linge sale se lave en famille. Restons en famille et dans un esprit de famille lavons ce linge sans honte et sans complexe. Nous avons tous une part de responsabilité dans la situation actuelle.
Questionnons-nous. Questionnons nos actions, écoutons-nous, échangeons dans un cadre familial et convivial. À défaut, créons ce cadre et disons- nous tous.
Car le linge sale se lave en famille.
Une correspondance du rappeur camerounais VALSERO
Listen to Valsero’s Classic ‘Lettre Au President” Letter to The President Released in 2009
Audio Playerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOTCYHPu8zE
In his previous attack on Paul Biya He Said
“I warned you, but you did not want to hear me. Blinded by the power you even tried to hang me. I warned you, three times I wrote you. Remember, my first letter was dated October 2008. I warned you, your ministers are thieves, your soldiers are aggressors; And you the poor, the patron of the plunderers, it made you laugh, you were arrogant, you pissed on tears, pain and suffering, you humiliated your people, Opposition, devalued tradition, you have undermined social cohesion.
You triggered the war of the nerves. The flames of hell, your policy has fueled them. You have made hope die in the hearts of all young people … I have seen the civil war coming miles away on the horizon. I have dedicated my art to making the interpellation with the hope that someday maybe there will be positive reaction … look around you, there is the only rage. The cup is full, the anger pours out, if I were in your place, I would lay it before it falls. “
Watch it below
Really big from this guy!! I wish just a quarter of this type of guy existed in the francophone side of the country