Vivre Riche Mourir Jeune

“vivre riche mourir jeune” a popular phrase used by the elderly to describe our generation. ” live rich, die young “. it is an on going trend where youths engage in unscrupulous practices in order to obtain wealth in exchange, they die young.
some find it a better substitute for bloodshed while others simply scam and / or prostitute.
While this is true for some, the reality isn’t always diabolic per sa for everyone. Our society of today is so focused on material things and what everyone else is doing so much so that we’ve forgotten the importance of hardwork .
Our generation is so engulfed in the idea of making money at a certain age, looking a certain way , living at a particular standard and what not . With all of this going on, depression has become second to nature. You find youths disappointed in themselves because they feel left out , out of place , not up to standard.
Many people are of the opinion that it’s all about the company a person keeps. Well, let me suprise you , peer pressure has evovled. You no longer have to be friends with a person to be influenced or feel intimidated by them. Most of the youths out here hurting themselves just to fit in, are most likely modelling a person who has no idea they exist.
Alot of arguments and theories have been presneted as to what could lead to depression, the different ways to avoid it , how to suvive it and how to identify peer pressure . These solutions have gone from staying around people with same social class all the way to exiting the socials if need be. Yes true, all of these can be of some help but sometimes, we have to go to the root of the problem to be able to solve it.
May I submit to you that depression is a fundamental problem, dating as far back as a persons childhood experiences , beliefs and ideals. As far back as the bases of their relationship with their parents.
Now I’ve heard alot of people argue saying ” you can birth a child but not it’s heart ” . I beg to disagree.
Depression, especially when it’s directly influneced by money or the lack there of, social standards and peer pressure, has and will always be a confidence problem.
Youths lack the self confidence to see beyond today , they lack a sense of self preservation and self-esteem. They were never thought as kids the importance of hard work , going through a process and growth . They were never thought to believe in themselves against all odds. As a result, they begin to doubt themselves once they see their peers with certain possessions. And they are eager, they are anxious , they slowly become possessive , obsessed, I dare say depressed.
This is not an attempt to play the blame game or to relive any human of the consequences of their actions. It’s not an attack on parents, communities or families. It’s about relationships, self awareness and growth. More often that not, depression is the lack of mental growth.