[SPORTS]: These Two Cameroonian NFL Players Met Head to Head Yesterday

Years back it was unusual to see Cameroonians playing in one of America’s most watched sport, the NFL (National Football League). However, that is not the case today as more and more Cameroonians are been drafted into this league.
Two of such players met yesterday in an NFL pre season match at M&T Bank Stadium, Baltimore, Maryland. Stephane Nembot and Joey Mfonten Mbu Jr.
– Stephane Nembot is a 25-year-old football tackle who was drafted in 2016 into the Baltimore Ravens. He has origins from the West Region in Cameroon.
You Can Follow Stephane on Instagram @beaststeph77
And Like His Facebook Page @ Stephane Nembot
– Joey Mfonten Mbu Jr. is a 24-year old nose tackle who was drafted into the Washington Redskins of the National Football League (NFL). He has origins from the North West Region.
You Can follow him on Instagram @notoriousmbu