Prophet Bushiri Disappears from South Africa and Appears in his home Country.

Religion has become an opium to the masses. In recent years we have had men of God involve in scandals to tarnish the reputation of religion. Prophet Bushiri and wife, have been under investigation. The couple are on trial charged with theft, fraud and money laundering involving R105 million (5.7 million euros). Earlier this month they were granted bail at R200,000 each. The couple later on flees to their home country Malawi for safety as he says. It is suspected that his escape was facilitated by the president of Malawi since he was in South Africa. But how ever the presidents plane was searched before he left and the prophet was not found. Others say he sneaked by road with the help of a luxury car stealing Syndicate. Also,three warrants of arrest have been issued on the account of rape by the Prophet. The South African government is working on his extradition meanwhile they have also seized some of his properties. The question now is ” will the Malawian government sign documents for his Extradition?