President Paul Biya’s Three Closest and Most trusted persons banned From Traveling to Europe

The pressure is mounting on the thirty-year regime of Paul Biya and the Cameroonians of the diaspora are behind this pressure.
After giving the head of state Paul Biya a seven-day ultimatum to return to Cameroon, les activistes du collectif des Organisations démocratiques et patriotiques de la Diaspora camerounaise (CODE), attacks again.
This organization which has set itself the task of mounting pressure and monitoring the expenses of the Biya regime abroad, has just released a list of 3 people now prohibited from from traveling to Europe.
Issa Tchiroma Bakary, Minister of Communication and government spokesman,

Niat Njifenji, President of the Senate,

Cavaye Djibril Yenguie, President of the National Assembly
These three top government officials and Paul Biya’s closest people in the government have been included in the watchful list by the vigilant eyes of the CODE in Europe.
They have also asked President Paul Biya and his government to resolve the hot issues affecting the nation which includes, the payment of 60 months of salary of teachers; The demilitarization of the English-speaking regions, the immediate publication of the report on the Eseka tragedy, and the frank and sincere settlement of the crisis in the anglophone regions paralyzed by “Ghost Towns”.
Sources: CamerounWeb