Check out the brand new video from arguably the hottest record label in Cameroon, Alpha Better Records. With Salatiel, Mr. Leo, Blaise B., and Askia they have a squad to rival any in Africa.
They gift fans an early Xmas gift with a gospel-inspired hit single titled – Higher Higher – Check on it.
Composed by Salatiel, Mr. Leo, Askia, Blaise B Produced by Salatiel x Akwandor x Big Joe, Mixed by Salatiel. Video directed by Nkeng Stephens of CPE.
Twitter x Instagram: @Alpha_BetterR Facebook: fb.com/AlphaBetterRecords Management Email: [email protected]
Business Contact & Serious Inquiries: +237 6 77668287 / +237 6 969752408
Just si happy with thé quality u give to our ears! Courage !!