[Breaking News] [R.I.P.]: Alain Boban, the ‘king’ of Soleil FM Yaoundé is no more

On October 30, 2017, he posted on his Facebook page:? I’ll get back to you soon. A break is required. Maybe tomorrow?.
Commonly called the King, Alain Boban was head of programming and music promotion at SOLEIL FM Yaounde?. Very committed to culture and events, he was the communicator of several great artists including LADY PONCE. After a long battle with Diabetes, the popular radio host died this early morning.
I lose a little brother, a son who was still making long-term bets for life and who was a fan of football, and who told me when I was doing it:? I am like the BARÇA: I fall and I get up a big team never dies? I hope a miracle. I was hoping for a miracle. Alas! The body is already cold in the morgue. Beaten down.
SOURCES: Cameroon Web, Remy Ngono, Facebook