[Breaking News]: Anglophone Crises Takes a New Turn, Peaceful Protest demonstrations keeps expanding in these regions. (PHOTOS AND VIDEOS)

Demonstrations are taking place this Friday morning in the northwest and southwest regions. People are demanding the release of English-speaking activists who have been detained since the English-speaking crisis began in late 2016.
Mood moves are taking place in the Southwest region this Friday, September 22, 2017. Populations are mobilized in many villages to demand the release of all anglophones detained since the beginning of the anglophone crisis last October.
Initial reports of these events include popular demonstrations in Muyuka, Mbongue, New Town Barumbai, Tinto, Waterfall Village, Lebialem, in the Southwest region … In the North-West region, demonstrations were also reported in certain localities. Videos are already circulating on social networks to attest.
Women of all ages are mobilized alongside the men of the localities concerned by this movement. They also demanded “the liberation of the Ambazonia State”.
This mobilization comes as the recent explosions of artisanal bombs in the Northwest region have resulted in a restrictive measure in this part of the country. Indeed, Thursday, the governor of the Northwest region, Adolphe Lélé Lafrique, banned all traffic between the various departments of the Northwest region.
“Movements of people from one department to another are strictly prohibited for a period of 24 hours. This period runs from 21 September to midnight until Friday, 22 September, at midnight, “he said in a decision signed on Thursday.
Adolphe Lélé Lafrique puts any person on guard who is violating or attempting to do so. He should then “suffer the consequences” of his actions.
SOURCES: Camerooun Web, Facebook, Cameroun Journal
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