
Miss Comoros Angrily Insults President Paul Biya Calling him “Mummy”

The Former Miss Comoros Shows Her Support the the Comoros National Team

Amidst outrage trailing the elimination of Comoros by the indomitable lions of Cameroon during the Afcon 2021 tournament, former miss Comoros Marie Imamou threw her frustration by taking to Twitter and insulting the President of the Republic of Cameroon, President Paul Biya.  Below is what Marie Imamou wrote about Paul Biya and Samuel Eto’o Fils.

Marie Imamou Writess

As translated in English

“Thank you guys you have been the best I have rarely seen a team receive as much rave praise as Comoros… Cameroon with the help of #CAF Samuel Eto-o and their Mummy who has served as their President since1901 just managed to have the whole world against them. Thanks again guys BRAVO”

Elvis Chumbow

Ardent storyteller, nature lover, critiquer, and writer by heart. I am a senior creative content writer with over 7+ years of experience in writing content. Founder of critiqsite.com and Chumediaa.com

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