[WORLD]: World’s fattest woman – who weighs 495K- is lifted out of her bed by a CRANE and put on a cargo plane to be flown to India for surgery

Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty, 36
The world’s fattest woman called Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty, 36, is from Egypt. She weighs 495Kg and has not left her home for 25 years. Eman was craned out of her bed by doctors and flown to India for treatment. A wall of her room was brought down to help bring her out and she was placed on an Egypt Air cargo plane.
She has been transported to Saifee Hospital where she will undergo a series of Bariatric procedures to aid her. Ms Aty, who suffers from a condition called Elephantiasis, will now have weight reduction surgery at Saifee Hospital in Mumbai, western India.