
Singer, Tayc Deletes one of his songs ” Quand Tu Dors” From streaming platforms -see why

Franco-Cameroonian musician, On Valentine’s Day Tay-C released an album titled ” Room 96″. As he promised his fans.

Since the release the album has been hugely criticized especially by ladies, they accused him of promoting marital r@pe in one of the songs titled « Quand tu dors ».

Yesterday, He decided to delete the song from streaming platforms after saying they misinterpreted the song.

He shared saying

“Why tell you? Why warn? You are so beautiful when you sleep…Your lips are closed but I hear your call. I must haunt your sleep. I must consume you. You put on my favourite pyjamas. I won’t have to take much away from you. And don’t blame me if I go down…”
As translated from French

The song according to Tay-C was his favourite in the album.

Cc:The Yard

Elvis Chumbow

Ardent storyteller, nature lover, critiquer, and writer by heart. I am a senior creative content writer with over 7+ years of experience in writing content. Founder of critiqsite.com and Chumediaa.com

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