Scandal at the Ministry of Finance: 1.3 billion alledgly stolen

Cameroon’s finance minister, Alamine Ousmane Mey, suspended five officials from the tax and treasury departments involved in an extensive network of fictitious officials who caused a loss of at least 1.3 billion CFA francs to the public coffers according to the website
Suspended as a precautionary measure or removed from office for “serious misconduct” or “breach of professional ethics”, without prejudice to legal proceedings, the persons concerned had specialized in increasing the salaries of State employees, but also The mounting of false acts of advancement and other reminders affecting some 700 civil servants.
Also, put in debt, They are accused of having regularly introduced or erased computer data, for their own benefit or that of relatives. The Department of Finance, like the Public Service, is considered by many observers to be the forgery centers that add to the state’s balance sheet, despite multiple consolidation operations. Between 1987 and 2007, according to official data, more than CFAF 1920 billion was spent by these networks of fictitious officials.
Sources: apanews, Cameroun Web