Spanish Female Teacher Impregnated By Her Lower Sixth Student in Yaounde

A Lower sixth student has reportedly impregnated his Spanish teacher. Interesting right? This happened at Lycée de Biyem-Assi in Yaounde, Capital city of Cameroon. Reports have it that, they have been secretly dating for some time now. It should be worth mentioning that, student-teacher relationship is strictly prohibited.
According to the information we got, some classmates and friends to the student who impregnated his Spanish Language teacher confirmed the story. Revealing that the two had been in a romantic relationship for some time now without the knowledge of the administration.
It was only until the said teacher became pregnant and a misunderstanding between her and her student boyfriend, that the student started bragging around how he has been “banging” his teacher hard.
Just like every rumour, it had gotten to everyone’s ear and finally the administration got hold of it as well. Summoned by the administrative staff to clear the air, she admitted she had been in a romantic relationship with her student and was currently pregnant for him.
The said teacher and her student boyfriend are currently serving a suspension pending a staff meeting to decide their fate.
However, the administration of Government High School, Biyem Assi has prohibited any form of indecent dressing by its personnel, especially female teachers, on campus. Some stories even have it that Spanish teacher involved in this scandal was notorious for her indecent dressing style.
From a Press Release issued on November 12th, the School Head writes, “….I have the honor to remind all the staff of the Biyem-Assi high school that respect for the code of good behavior is a moral and professional obligation. Because it is part of our mission not only as a supervisor but also as an educator…”
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