
NBA superstar, LeBron James vows to keep playing after becoming NBA’s greatest

NBA superstar, LeBron James vows to ‘play a couple more years’ after becoming NBA’s greatest. LeBron James had surpassed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to become the NBA’s all-time leading points scorer.

NBA superstar, LeBron James vows to keep playing after becoming NBA's greatest
LeBron James

Speaking on his milestone, James said: “I know I can play a couple more years, the way I’m feeling, the way my body’s been reacting to me throughout this course of the season, I know I can play a couple more years.”

“I feel like for any group of guys, for any franchise, I can go out there and still help win multiple championships or win a championship, so that’s my mindset.”

He added: “It’s so surreal because it’s something I never made a goal of mine or set out to do.”

NBA superstar, LeBron James vows to keep playing after becoming NBA's greatest

Cilia Lively

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