Ko-c To Drop His Official Debut Single Today

Meet the uprising Cameroonian Rapper KO-C who is arguably the fastest rapper in Cameroon so far.  A former member of the rap group PIMBOYS and now a solo artist after fans beg him to go solo because of his incredible rap talents.

He has wowed his audience by doing dope freestyles and covers of fat Joe‘s “all the way up“, Stanley Enow’s “Tumbuboss” and many others which can be found on YouTube.

Samples of his freestyles will be uploaded soon. He is about to drop his first official single titled “Balance” under his label RAWGET MUSIC. He drops tonight at 8 pm. Tune in for the link.

Keep Shinning Brother ??

You can follow Ko-c on instagram @life_of_koc

#critiqsite #koc #fastestrapper #237vibes #bueavibes #cameroonianvibes #cameroonianrapp

Cover Art of Ko-c Debut Track tittled Balance

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Elvis Chumbow

Ardent storyteller, nature lover, critiquer, and writer by heart. I am a senior creative content writer with over 7+ years of experience in writing content. Founder of critiqsite.com and Chumediaa.com

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