Kameni’s ”Bolo” vs Ko-C’s ”Bollo…” – Which Of These Hustle Song Hits Harder?

Music should have meaning and purpose. Most at times, the artist is trying to pass across a message. Either using his/her personal experience as well as that of another person. When you listen to songs like “Bolo” by Kameni and “Bollo c’est bollo” by Ko-C, you see a lot in common.
In spite of the fact that their title may look different, when you listen carefully to the songs, you realise they have same theme. They all are hustle songs, and upon their time of release, they were hit hustle anthem. So in this article, we would love to see which of these hustle song hit harder.
Last year, Kameni released her highly anticipated single titled “Bolo”. Her tune on the song was something special and also came with strong lyrics making the song a complete hustler’s song. And before we could realise it, it was almost everyone’s favourite hustle song.
Here is some part in the lyrics
When man work it’s most to chop(×6)There’s no food for lazy man
When man work it’s most to chop
So let me hear you me say
Bolo, one day it go pay ooh jojo
Bolo, one day it go pay ooh jojo
Make your work oh, one day it go pay ooh jojo
In 2017, Award-winning rapper Ko-C released his first most-streamed song “Bollo c’est bollo”. This song introduced us to a bolder, edgier Ko-C — an artist willing to take risks not only in his music, but in his life as well. He gave hustlers a song to listen to while hustling. This song was the anthem for every hustler and it was top of the charts for very long time.
In the lyrics Ko-C said,
Il y aura des hauts, et des bas
En même temps mama pas de problème
Also the will be fronts and backs
But who God has blessed
No man can curse
Eh, give me the mic again
Make i speed the words
And am not gonna be doing it just for fame
Make you dey shout my name (koss)
But i want educate your brain
So you go live the faith so
Even you dey the same place
Putting on the same clothes
Take it easy
Life is not a race
My brother i beg no be olympics
No matter how much you earn
Stay occupied and be busy
Is a step by step process
No elevator to success
Take stairs
Take note, we are not comparing between these 2 great songs. But trying to get your oppinion on the one you think speaks more about hustling.
So guys,
Kameni’s ”Bolo” vs Ko-C’s ”Bollo…” – Which Of These Hustle Song Hits Harder?
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