HAPPY D’EFOULAN Once Again Accused Of Piracy

HAPPY D’EFOULAN once again accused of Piracy. Cameroon’s Mbole Revolutionist Happy D’Efoluan has been accused of Piracy again. It should be noted that this is the second time such a story is popping up about the artist Happy.
The young artist Petit Plasma took to his social media accounts to expose Happy. Petit Plasma says he’s the original owner of the son “La Joie Du Mbole”. And truth be told, the song which he featured Bekailleurs has been on YouTube for over 7 months now. When you compare with that of Happy which has just been available for a day now, one may be tempted to conclude that Happy actually copied.
Like mentioned earlier, this is not the first time Happy has been accused of piracy. He was accused of piracy after the release of his first song ” TCHAPEU TCHAPEU” which became a hit song. Where a music group Kang Kang boys claimed he stole the song from them.
“La Joi Du Mbole” which means “the joy of mbole” is Happy’s 4th single. The song was released yesterday September 15th. And this time around Music group, Petit Plasma has accused him of stealing the song’s chorus and its title as well.
Some social media users quickly made a comparison between the two songs. If you listen to both songs critically, you will realize that the pace is the same. Similarly, the chorus’ lyrics of both songs are also the same. One of the few things that differ between the songs is the number of views on YouTube. While Happy is already at 20,000 views, the Music group is still struggling with 3000 views for 7 months now.
Be the Judge here guys, listen to both songs, and drop your comments
Listen to Happy – ‘la Joi du mbole’
Petit Plasma – ‘la Joi du mbole’
After the story between Happy D’Efoulan and the Kang Kang boys music group just some months ago, Happy has still let his ship sink.
What advice do you have for Happy D’Efoulan?