FORMARIC 2020: Featuring legends like Ben Decca,Grace Decca,Afo Akom etc

The FOMARiC Festival is coming of age after 26 years of existence. The improvements for the 2019 edition have been developed based on the criticisms and suggestions from exhibitors, partners and even festival-goers. The space and stands have been completely redesigned , to further offer more visibility to all exhibitors.
Animation will be provided by traditional dance group,FORMARIC orchestra,high school and college.One f the main attraction at the festival will be the kid’s carousel and merry go round. The festival offers stand and space .Exhibitors will be classified by exhibition category.
It will be categories from Startup, Electronics, Telecom, Urban Textile, Handicraft Textile, Cosmetics, General Trade, Brewery, Natural Drinks, Imported Drinks, Gastronomy.
The site is open to exhibitors every day from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m and from 10 a.m. until 2 a.m. for visitors.It will be organised at Bepanda Camtel Club starting from the 06 of February to he 10th of February