Broad daylight Robbery on three financial institutions in Bamenda
Three financial institutions have been victims of a broad daylight robbery in Bamenda the Northwest Region of Cameroon.

Bamenda, the capital of the Northwest region of Cameroon, seems to be suffering from multiple attacks by armed bandits on their financial houses.
Reports from MMI news, three financial houses have been victims of recent attacks by unknown gunmen in broad daylight. Amongst the financial houses are the Bafut credit union and 2 other express exchange branches. This happened on Friday, March 03, 2022, as these bandits boarded a taxi, landed at Small Mankon where one of the Bafut credit unions is located, shot one person in the leg, and then made away with a huge sum of money. So far, the credit union hasn’t made any official statement on the incident.
“They came, carried out their operation, and left without anyone knowing about it. We only got the information after they had left,” a source familiar with the incident said.
After the incident, many customers of the credit union have expressed their dissatisfaction with the security system of the credit union, blaming the credit union for their carelessness. One of the Credit union’s members whose name we got as Afanui told MMI News, “The credit union seems not to have a serious security system, How come the robbers had an easy way into the credit union? The board of directors should sit up”, Said Afanui.
Other financial houses attacked by these bandits are the Express Exchange branch in Nkwen, Bamenda, and that located at Hospital Roundabout, Bamenda. However, they succeeded in making away with a large sum of money from the Express Exchange Nkwen branch but were not successful in breaking through the Hospital Roundabout office as the workers succeeded in fighting off the bandit who later on took to his heels after the alarm was set on.