Download: Papa Zoe – Evah La Femme Divine (Produced by EDBG & EL-SHADDAI)

Patrick Ebanda who goes by his artistic name Papa Zoe is back after a long break, this time with his incisive song titled “EVAH LA FEMME SUBLIME“.The author of EVAH seems to have matured with a much more refined and major work. The verb always laudatory, Papa Zoe does not lack words to praise love and extolling the qualities of women. While remaining faithful to his line, Papa Zoe adds a touch of originality to his new find. Like what, time will have had an effect on his career. And of course that his decade of silence will have allowed him to work in peace in the background. The audio single was produced by EDBG Prod and El-Shaddai
Download the audio single of PAPA ZOE – EVAH LA FEMME SUBLIME below;