Stanley Enow Gets Sentimental as He visits and Condones with Victims of Landslide in Bafoussam

After over 40 people died and more than dozen left homeless following a landslide caused by torrential rainfall in the western Cameroon city of Bafoussam in response, Cameroon’s Award-Winning A-list Rapper Stanley Enow has been one of the only celebrity to visit the site and condone with victims of this disasters.
Stanley Enow, who passed some of his childhood in Bafoussam and maintains strong ties to the city, traveled to the West Region, Met with the GOvernor and visited the site and its victims.
The Rapper Posted on his Facebook Page
Still can’t believe what my eyes saw yesterday in Bafoussam ! ?????
Thank you to the governor of the western region who reassured me that the victims are being relocated in the village bamoungoum!A thought for the people, my audience! I love you! ??????????????????????????????????
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