Download: Iphy Love: Mon Histoire (Produced by Ched Stendall )

Download the new song “Mon Histoire” released by the Cameroonian Gospel artist “Iphy Love” which resume her life and uses this occasion to be thankful to God Almighty , she says; “God inspired me with this melody ” Mon histoire” back in 2005 when I lost my mom, my future was dark and I was wondering how we( my family) was going to make it .But the same God who says in his word that; ” He knew me even before I was conceived in my mother womb”, guided me through and when I was facing this tough moments, he inspired me with this song. I would like to tell someone now that it’s not over, the same God Who split the red sea for me is going to do it for you too. I pray that this song blesses whoever will listen. SHALOM”. Video produced by “ched Stendall“
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