[Download]: Ko-C – I Love You Featuring Locko

Big Dreams Entertainment Rapper KO-C (Cameroonian Sarkodie) drops his debut for 2017 featuring Vocalist Locko, produced by Akwandor titled “I love you”.
(1) Ko-c still didn’t give his best and what he is known for. His usual impressive twist and deliveries have become weak from “Balance” to now “I Love You” and him trying to sing/rap in french only worsen things. French is a good language to rap and touches the nation with but it’s not meant for everyone, just because we wanna break into the french market and make some big bucks we must not sing/rap in french. Let’s leave it for those who are great with it.
(2) Ko-C is trying to do commercial music which is good, but he needs the patience to craft the good masterpiece that fans will enjoy with confidence.
(3) Locko sounds almost like Mr. Leo in this song.
(4) Great beat from Akwandor
As a die Hard Fan of Ko-C, we praying he gets his touchback and put his groove together
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