Download: Brown Popsy – Grace (Directed By Merlin Caren)

Even though the just ended Biggy 237 had its lapses, it also gave some exposure to the contestants. When this show came to an end, the question on many lips have been what will the contestant do with the visibility acquired. One of the contestant and finalist Brown Popsy popularly known during the show as Son of Grace just dropped a single titled “Grace.” He is one of those contestant whose story touched a lot of people and served as inspiration and motivation for many. The song talks about the artiste experience and hardships in life. He recounts his journey of ups and downs with a mother who had no shelter over her head. A sad story of his life but he remains optimistic in life cuz he can now see changes since he is “Son of Grace.” Arts is a mirror of the society and experience of the Artiste.
Stream and sownload below;