Cameroonian Media Personality PAM HAPPI gives Birth after more than 10 years of trying

Cameroonian media personality PAM HAPPI has given birth to a baby girl after trying for more than 10 years to get pregnant to no avail. Overwhelmed with joy, PAM HAPPI took to Instagram to break the good news.

The television and Red carpet of “Miss P Show” host took to her Instagram sharing some photos of the baby with the caption;
“With these little feet, she walked into my life… Her look, her smile, her warmth, her calm, her all, gave me peace and I fell inlove with the beautiful person that she is.
I call her LOVE. I call her GOD’S GRACIOUS GIFT & I call her MY DIVINE LIGHT”

Meanwhile, this is what she wrote while pregnant;
“I remember that moment when the Dr told me it would be close to impossible; ………. But GOD For some time, I have had multiple questions from people trying to understand why I am absent from the work scene, why I am MIA in general; I always get what I set out for , sometimes not exactly how I pictured it but for the most part I am satisfied .
When we set specific goals, sometimes life requires that we give up most or all of what we currently are or have and go under every radar to achieve those goals.
Career oriented, in love with kids and a keen desire to raise one of my own; I will make this very long story extremely short: After several attempts at getting pregnant on and off for over 10yrs, I decided to give up EVERYTHING 2yrs ago and try one last time, after which I would dedicate myself entirely to my career with ZERO regrets .
1 last attempt ended up as several attempts, I just didn’t see time pass me by because my eyes were focused on that 1 specific goal.
Today I come close enough to the end of my pregnancy journey as I look forward to motherhood and suddenly all that I endured to get here fades away as footprints to a beautiful journey.
Today, I retain the most powerful lesson; There is POWER in trusting God; God can use the devil to bless you for His Glory To all women who struggle to conceive with all that it entails in Africa, remember this; are so many options on how to become a mother. God, is able to do just what He said He will do; exceedingly and abundantly”.