[Breaking News]: President Paul Biya Frees All Arrested Anglophone Leaders

The Head of State orders the release of the arrested leaders of the Anglophone protest. Here is the entirety of this text as revealed by the National Post newspaper at 5 pm this Wednesday.
The President of the Republic has today ordered the arrest of the prosecutions pending before the military court of Yaounde, these persons include Kongho félix Agbor, Fontem Afor Teka Neba, Paul Ayah Abine, and some others arrested during the peak of the crises in the Northwest and South-West regions.
This decision by the Head of State is in line with the many measures already taken by the public authorities to respond to the concerns expressed by the nationals of these two regions and are the result of the unshakable will of the Head of State. To seek at all times ways and means of a peaceful resolution of crises thanks to the virtues of tolerance, dialogue, and humanism.
The head of state nevertheless reaffirms his determination to fight relentlessly, the enemies of peace and progress, the leaders of the division and the criminals of all kinds who, under the guise of political demands, The future of our country and especially our youth. They will answer for their actions before the law. The President of the Republic congratulated the defense and security forces for their sense of duty. He urged Cameroonians to work together to ensure that Cameroon remained a land of peace, the stability of Concord and progress.
SOURCESS: Cameroun Web, Cameroun Info