
Cholera Outbreak: Four Regions Have Recorded 35 Deaths

Cholera outbreak reported some weeks ago in the South West and Littoral Regions has spread further, and has now hit at least 35 victims in different regions now.

A further 1,242 other cases have been detected across four regions in Cameroon as of February 14, 2022.

The zones affected are the South West, Litoral, Far North, and South Regions. From the recent figures, the epidemic is spreading rapidly compared to when it was first announced.

Health personnel has remained resolute in fighting the disease across the national territory. The regions affected will have their water properly ameliorated before drinking. Vaccinations have also been scheduled for these regions.

Health Minister, Dr. Manaouda Malachie has called for more vigilance from the population of the affected regions. He has also urged Cameroonians to adhere to hygiene rules, which to him is the best form of prevention.


Elvis Chumbow

Ardent storyteller, nature lover, critiquer, and writer by heart. I am a senior creative content writer with over 7+ years of experience in writing content. Founder of critiqsite.com and Chumediaa.com

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