Is 2021 Canal D’or Award for “Francophones”?

Is 2021 Canal D’or Award for “Francophones”? Canal D’or awards is an initiative of Canal 2 Television in Cameroon. It is aimed at encouraging talents in the entertainment industry. It is widely attended with the first lady Chantal Biya patronizing the event.

This year’s edition brought about lots of critics. These critics were a result of the fact that almost all the awards accorded during this year’s session went to the francophone entertainers.  Is this the case?. The anglophone entertainers have been doing their best to give us the best entertainment this year but despite all that, they still didn’t get anything.

Evaluating some of the critics gotten, we tend to ask questions. Do francophones deserve the award or not?. Yes, it is true that the awards this year mostly went to the francophone entertainers in the country. We can say it wasn’t that fair. Some artists were not happy with the awards this year. Askia a young female Cameroon rapper said in one of her posts “A country where Rappers have zero respect or recognition”.

Cameroonian Rapper, Askia’s reaction to the Canal D’or award nomination list 2021

You clearly see that from all their posts they arent happy with how things were done this year. Recognition for their work could have been made.

The anglophones on their part need to ask themselves if they support their own or not? The way francophones promote their entertainers is so encouraging. From one of the comments on Instagram, a lady said, “Anglophone Entertainers put this same energy you are using to lament about Canal D’or to support your own”. I  believe this is true to an extent because, in reality, anglophones can put their own to the top rather than just criticizing. Let the anglophones sit up and support their own.

Given all these, the question still remains, Is Canal D’or 2021 a “Francophone” Award?. At least the anglophone entertainers were supposed to be encouraged too for their hard work over the year. Nevertheless, I think this situation needs to be addressed by the organizers. The anglophone entertainment has a lot of good content that needed some encouragement but nothing was done. It is one country and things are supposed to be done equally and everyone needs to be acknowledged for their efforts. Together let’s make support the Cameroon entertainment industry.

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