Tragic: Turkey and Syria Hit by a 7.5 magnitude earthquake

Thousands feard dead in tragic 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Turkey and Syria

More than 5000 people from both Turkey and Syria have been confirmed dead due to the devastating 7.5 magnitude earthquake that hit the southeastern part of Turkey and the northwestern part of neighboring Syria on Monday, February 06, 2023. More than 21000 people were injured, and over 7000 buildings collapsed. According to the Turkish  Emergency and Disaster Management Organization (AFAD), the death toll is rising as they are still searching for trapped persons in rubble and debris.


This earthquake’s magnitude and destruction so far have been recorded as one of the strongest earthquakes to have stroke the country in a century. So far, the rescue mission has been going on well as reports say a woman has been successfully rescued from a collapsed eight-story building . As of now, the rescue mission is strong and on a quest to rescue as many people as possible.

People and emergency teams rescue a person on a stretcher from a collapsed building in Adana, Turkey, Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. A powerful quake has knocked down multiple buildings in southeast Turkey and Syria and many casualties are feared. (IHA agency via AP)

We will keep you updated on the situation with more news in the days ahead

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