SUKOULOU: A Must Have Mobile App For All Students in the Universities and Higher Institutions

An App to Get Updates On Your Day to Day School Activities from Wherever You Are
DOUALA – April 20th, 2017 – Available today the app Sukoulou. Offers regular updates on student related school activities (timetable, Class assessments, Exams, and even social activities such as news updates and sports) for android users only (for now). It allows students from all higher institutions to easily get informed and relate with almost all school happenings from a distance or wherever they find themselves. Students get notified instantly in case changes occur on your timetable, know which lecturer will make it to class, check your class assessment schedules, get alerts on trendy school topics etc
Just like other school apps, the user gets notified by easily manipulating different tabs on the home page on your phone. (a) Timetable: Already signed in with your profile registered including your department, the app automatically shows you semester timetable when you click on the timetable Tab. (b) Events: Get social events such as sports, public holidays, school activities (c) News: A mini blog to view national and international happenings such as cultural news, breaking news, entertainment news etc (d) My Profile: Update your profile to easily manage and understand the app, i.e. your full names and aliases, phone number and email and change of password (e) Settings: Almost same like profile but contains more detailed information which can be changed at any moment, from change of school, change of level, language select, Matricule Number etc. (f) Log Out: log out of your app to keep it safe and secure.
New features will be added regularly to complete the app’s database so as to make it more mobile friendly and fun.
Since we launched the app we’ve been looking for partners in various higher institutions. It was tedious finding and uploading school contents. We are really excited to launch our website @ and start working on the sukoulou app, Said Fai Tachinda Lovette, C.E.O of sukoulou who is also in charge of the marketing and communication of the app.
Sukoulou app is now available for a one-year free trial (NB: Trial includes all features) and will cost 100Frs/month and 1000Frs/Year. The app is available nationwide and is in two main languages; i.e. English and French. Android users download directly via the website @ and easily installed ( check out our amateur Videos available on our YouTube channel via
Please visit for more information including video tutorials on how to use the app easily.
Sukoulou app is developed by FRANKNBF, a web and mobile development company based in Douala.
If you would like further information on Sukoulou, or you will like to schedule and interview, please contact:
Fai Tachinda Lovette: C.E.O., Marketing, and Communication Agent
Phone: (+237) 675-343-486
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page: Sukoulou
Twitter: Sukoulou
Instagram: Sukoulou
Youtube Link: Sukoulou
Watch the videos below on what “Sukoulou” is all about and how to download it