Stanley Enow Gets Honoured As Guest At Yale University – USA

Award winning Rapper, Stanley Enow was honoured as guest at one of the most prestigious universities in the world – Yale University in Connecticut, USA.Stanley Enow Gets Honoured As Guest At Yale University - USA

Stanley Enow was recognized by the University for his selfless contribution to the Cameroonian music industry as well as taking his music to the world.

Billed with a two-days talk session with the students of the University, the Hein Père singer was all smiles as he had a great moment with the student and management of the school.

In his words;
“THANK GOD FOR THE EXPERIENCE ! Speaking at @yale was not only inspiring but very God-driven. I connected with the grain future of the New Africa. I spoke for two days straight and it was beyond amazing. We shall in our own way be bringing solutions for a fair-play ground with streaming on the Continent. Come to think, I turned down a Scholarship for Yale University years ago cos I had to choose between my fast growing musical in back in 2014. To the @yaleafricainnovation team I say thank you for having me @abi.ndikum @iiamvictoriia x to the amazing @effiem.obasi for joining me champion the course !
We had an intimate listening session of one my next music projects and they told me to release it NOW @kayomusiq ?
Dreams are valid, we keep connecting the dots !
#AfricanGentleWiDiTakeOver ?”

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