On the occasion of the May 20th celebration of national unity, Cameroon A-list Comedian Moustik Karismatik sends an open letter to the President of the Republic. In a hilarious style of his, the humorist evokes the many difficulties that the Cameroonian people lived on a daily basis.
It evokes, in turn, the emblems of the country, the strength of the army and the union of the Cameroonian people. For example, during the derailment of the Eseka train, Cameroonians mobilized to rescue the survivors. Regardless of the tribe, social class, everything was done to save lives.
He analyzed the theme of this 45th edition “Army and nation, in perfect synergy for a Cameroon united in its diversity, committed to the ideals of peace, stability, and prosperity”. In his own words, He goes around what must be true national unity.
A national unity that integrates the workers of all horizons: Bikers, taximans, directors etc … we are all Cameroonians. Just as there is no anglophone or francophone Cameroon, nor a Cameroon Beti, Bamiléké or Duala.
It is on a note of hope that Moustik Karismatik ends his open letter … In short, Cameroon is one and indivisible.
We look Cameroon is one and indivisible. We look Cameroon is one and indivisible. We look
Sources: Auletch