On the 13th of February 1997, Cameroon lost one of its greatest Comedian of all time. Jean-Miche Kankan whose real names was Dieudonne Afana Abecon was born in 1956 in the Nkom tribe in the Centre region. An educated person who taught French in secondary school but later abandons his teaching career to pursue his real dreams as a comedian.
In the beginning, his audience was not receptive to his comedic style, but over time Jean Miche Kakan was able to impose his style and his messages passed. His comedy theme was characterized by societal ills such as polygamy, alcohol abuse, corruption, police harassment, marginalization, tribalism etc its like he predicted what will happen in the present Cameroon today.
Jean Miche Kakan was definitely an idol and french comedic icon who inspired dozens of African Humorist today, From ‘Tchop Tchop‘, ‘Fingon Tralala”, “Tagne Kondom” to Moustik Karismatik. Many Cameroonians paid tribute to the late great comedian via social media.
Below is some of his great videos