For several days now, Cameroon Radio and Television (Crtv) has had a bad atmosphere due to certain circumstances from a reduction in wages, on-air tv errors etc.
The most noteworthy point was the decree signed on July 26, in which General Manager Charles Ndongo announced a reduction of staff salaries. He explained that 1.4% of old-age pension and the municipal tax on the 4.2% deductible from the wages of employees which were previously paid by the Crtv will now be paid by the employees. A decision that has seems to trigger generalized anger amongst workers in Crtv.

All these means that there is probably a financial situation in Crtv is currently a call for concern. The management errors can be pointed at the director general himself, Mr. Charles Ndongo. It also appears that he himself promised work to many people following his appointment.
Employees wonder regular appointments of persons to positions that sometimes collide with others. These appointments are accompanied by advantages. The employees denounce the excessive number of leaders at the Crtv for a television channel of its size.
More serious and it is this aspect that seems to wrangle pressure on Charles Ndongo. He allegedly decided to extend the retirement age of several employees he privately calls “his friends” … thus, More employees, more spending, and the budget crisis.
So Charles Ndongo‘s decision to cut staff salaries by talking about a software error would, in fact, be for CRTV executives only a willingness to mask his incompetence. Well, it’s obvious that “A good journalist is not necessarily a good manager”.
Sources: 237Online, Camerounweb