Extra Heat in the Biggy Studio between housemates (Fhish and Patience)

it’s been 48 hours since Patience Yoh called Fhish Out for touching her inappropriately. The former tore into a fist of rage insulting the perpetrator and threatening to leave the house. She was  calmed by the other house mates and Fhish as well who went down on his knees to apologise to her.

While it is completely normal and correct to feel offended by sexual harassment, and it is true that no one has the right to tell a victim when and how to feel vexed, there’s a very fine line between standing up for one’s self and being abusive.

The aggressive nature of Patience towards Fhish has been described by many as bullying . And yesterday, it was revealed that Fhish was denied food by Patience. This singular act has earned the beautiful Yoh the nickname Psychopath.

Viewers backlash

It is popular believe that love grows from conflict and hate and thus a possible Fhish×Patience ship was speculated. However, with the recent turn of events, many beleive she has taken a step too far out of the ship and is out to get Fhish and just like the other housemates, she’s trying to build a fan base at his expense.

FhishFhish is an obvious threat to every contestant in the biggy studio and no one wants to be on the wrong side of the train when the rails break. You know what they say ” if you can’t beat them, join them ” hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Food is a primary human need and as such every human deserves to be provided for. It’s basic philanthropic knowledge, and as such , eyes have turned to Noni white now socially refered to as the Nigerian philanthropist.  Alot was expected of him in such situations as it is his field of expertise everyone imagined it would be a sensitive issue worth his time.

Picture of Noni white

Patience Yoh , recently the most talked about biggy housemate is now renowned for her very perculiar and vocal manner of communication. The aforementioned during the early hours of the saga  was praised for being a voice both for herself and others but is now being bashed and dragged around the socials. She has lost a good number of fans for reason of her being ” rude and coldhearted” . The single 27 year old Cameroonian has received backup and support from her celebrity representative Askia who both  hailed  and apologised in her stead for her rather disrespectful use of words. This was done in the early stages of the saga. Meanwhile, Patience’s official page manager has done nothing substantial to remedy the situation.

Askia’s post

Fhish on the other hand is being commended by many for being mature and calm about the entire situation. The artist who has now isolated himself from the rest of the house is gaining fans at a ridiculous rate. And has even received a waiting cheque from young Cameroonian CEO Atabong Jovette.

The silence of Biggy has caused general concern , as many have stated it is detrimental to a contestant’s mental health. Fans of biggy studios have requested for a means to vote a person out of the house , going further to say they are yet to see any footage of Fhish actually harassing Patience.

A Psychopath is –  described as a person with no moral conscience, who perpetrates especailly gruesome or bizzarre violent acts – Is this an appropriate and unbiased definition of Patience Yoh , or is she really just and extremist?

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