Creative writers and creative writing in Cameroon doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. This may be due to the fact that we have few public libraries and books for students to visit. Also, the reading culture is not encouraged here as you will find youths complaining about reading very long articles. If you want to hide something from a Cameroonian, put it in a book but this won’t work for someone like Howard Maximus. In Cameroon there are few youths Changing the game for creative writers; Howard Maximus, Valery Tito, Emmanuel Asafor, Felix Mbetbo etc.
Howard Meh becomes the first Cameroonian writer to win the Morland African Writing Scholarship that comes with a cash price of ?18,000. The work that gets him this award is his proposed novel about a four – singer – acapella choir caught up in the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon. Arts is a mirror of the society and the writer uses his context to write this fiction. Howard Maximus has published works of fiction, nonfiction and poetry in literary magazines as well as anthologies such as The Vanguard Book of Love Stories, Love Stories from Africa etc. The writer is also passionate and writes about food. Can we say Howard Meh Maximus just opened a door?
Link to full list of Morland African writing Writers