The Minister of Secondary Education has just signed a convention for the establishment of the Mutual agreement of secondary school teachers. This agreement aims to help improve the living conditions of secondary school teachers.
On May 24, 2017, Jean Ernest Ngalle Bibehe Massena (Minister of Secondary Education, Minesec) presided over the signing ceremony of the ‘La Mutuelle des Personnels Des Enseignements Secondaires (Mupes)’. The aim of the Convention is to improve the living conditions of secondary school teachers. The latter will, therefore, be able to benefit from allowances in sickness insurance, funeral expenses, supplementary pensions, preferential fares through central purchasing organizations and automobile insurance. Only Members of MUPES will be able to benefit from its advantages.
The daily newspaper “Le Jour“, also published on May 26, 2017, about this convention, indicates that it is necessary to know that MUPES operates according to the third-party payment mechanism. “The membership fees for the MUPES are fixed at 5 000 FCFA payable once”. The monthly contribution is 5,000 FCFA per member. Speaking today, Minesec, who spoke about the challenge of ensuring social protection for teachers, said,
“Teaching is a high-risk occupation and requires special attention. This is a qualitative leap and the ambition of this association is to strengthen social policy. I would like to assure you of the support of the public authorities. I appeal to rigor and professionalism “.
Bernadette Siansi, Interim chairman of the management committee MUPES said that the interim office will organize a campaign throughout the national territory to raise teachers’ awareness. Also to reinforce the capacities of members of the Mupes with the aim of setting up a system for securing funds. Mupes is therefore in partnership with Beneficial Insurance. Also to reinforce the capacities of members of the Mupes with the aim of setting up a system for securing funds.
Sources: Cameroon Info