Canadian Based Cameroonian Producer extraordinaire, singer and rapper, MD Lyonga is back with another amazing, mind blowing tune #QueenOfTheEarth that will stir up emotions you tucked in and swore you’d never reveal. For each song MD Lyonga released, he reveals a new side to his musical creativity, which keeps his music/ songs very interesting.
This song emphasizes the strong belief of Love, expressing allegiance to whoever has won your heart using marriage as an allegory of the bond. MD Lyonga uses earth as in antiquity or ancient civilization which is referred as female deity or expression of the female divine element.
The production of this song will blow you away. MD Lyonga’s vocals will serenade you into a blissful utopia and have you replaying this song countless times.
Would you wona go to Ambazonia?
Would you wona see me in ma zone?
Don’t you wona live in my home?
Don’t you wona call my thing your own?
This is a month of love, “Love will make the world a better place” MD Lyonga.
Download, listen and share… Queen of The Earth (Produced By MD Lyonga)